Output Formats ================ .. index:: Output formats Pweave supports output in several formats. See the `example gallery __ for examples. You can list the supported formats using: .. code-block:: python import pweave pweave.listformats() Pweave supported output formats: * html: HTML with pygments highlighting * leanpub: Leanpub markdown * markdown: Pandoc markdown, same as format pandoc * md2html: Markdown to HTML using Python-Markdown * notebook: Jupyter notebook * pandoc: Pandoc markdown * pandoc2html: Markdown to HTML using Pandoc, requires Pandoc in path * pandoc2latex: Markdown to Latex using Pandoc, requires Pandoc in path * rst: reStructuredText * softcover: SoftCover markdown * sphinx: reStructuredText for Sphinx * tex: Latex with verbatim for code and results * texminted: Latex with predefined minted environment for codeblocks * texpweave: Latex output with user defined formatting using named environments (in latex header) * texpygments: Latex output with pygments highlighted output