Release notes ------------- **In 0.30** Released 27th, August 2017 * Use IPython kernel to run Python code: - support for rich output - support IPython magics - Improved error handling * Render tracebacks correctly * Drop Python 2 support * Run code using any Jupyter kernel with `--kernel` option * Output directly to Jupyter notebooks with chunk options preserved as metadata -> ability to use custom nbconvert templates in addition to builtin formatters. * Drop uppercase versions on `pweave` and `ptangle` scripts * Weave documents from URLs * md2html is the new default format for `.pmd` and `.py` input **In 0.25** Released 21st, April 2016 * New pweave option: `output` allows to set the output file * New better themes for pypublish and an option to choose theme * New output format: softcover ( **In 0.24** Released 20th, January 2016 * New input format: markdown * New supported script format: Spyder cell markup * Support new link attributes for pandoc >= 1.16 * pypublish now embeds figures in html output * pypublish no longer defaults to wrap = False in html output * Improved test coverage * More robust script reader, not sensitive to empty lines anymore * Removed obsolete Julia support. **In 0.23.2** Released 16th, January 2016 * Add --latex_engine option to pypublish. Enables the use xetex or luatex * Bug fixes - Fix formatting bugs for eval=FALSE #18 - Fix white space error in code chunks for wrap = FALSE #24 - Fix unicode bug with pypublish #21 - Update pypublish template to include textcomp due to changes in Pandoc #23 **In 0.23.1** Released 12th, January 2016 * Fix for multiline indented blocks by @abukaj * Pypublish missing \begin{document} problem fixed by @abukaj * Fix for pandoc 1.14 - \tightlist not defined @trsaunders **In 0.23** Released 7th, December 2014 * New Python option --shell eshell, runs python as subprocess and is not affected by Pweave imports. * Pweave can now be used to weave Octave, Matlab and Julia code using --shell option. Have a look at the examples on Github **0.22.2** Released 14th, November 2014 * Figure and cache directory are now handled relative to weaved document * Fixed caching * Improved error reporting and exception handling **0.22.1** Released 14th, November 2014 * Fixed a bug with inline code chunks. **0.22** Released 13th, November 2014 * Package global options moved to pweave.rcParams. This is a breaking change if you have used Pweb class to modify Pweave options. Should not affect commandline usage. * Renamed pweave.pweave to pweave.weave, pweave.ptangle to pweave.tangle * Python 3 compatibilty, Thanks to Grant Goodyear * Publishing of scripts from command line : pypublish script * Conversion between input formats and markups: Pweave-convert script - Convert to IPython notebooks by Aaron O'Leary * Possibility to run shell code from Pweave. See `engine` chunk option. * New input formats: - Script - IPython notebook * Bugfix: setting figure format from command line fixed. * Ipython terminal * Source option for chunks - Read from module - Read from file * Multichunk blocks: complete option * rst format uses `.. codeblock::` python directive for code chunks. * Output formats: - Leanpub markdown * New options for figures - f_size ( (8,6) ) Saved figure size in inches a tuple (w, h) - f_env (None) Environment that goes around figure e.g. sidefigure - f_spines (True) removes spines from figure right and top if False. - complete (False) - source: Read chunk source from file or python module or file - engine: Choose engine running the code. "python" or "shell" **0.21.2** Released 15th, April 2013 - Bug fix: 0.21.1 Failed to build, 0.21.2 now works. **0.21.1** Released 12th, April 2013 - Bug fix: Documentation mode was broken in 0.21. It's now fixed. *Don't use "is" instead of "==" for strings*. `Stackoverflow to rescue again `_ . - Documentation has been improved a lot see e.g. examples about `customizing `_ and `subclassing `_. **0.21** Released: 11th, April 2013 - Support for multiple figures in a code chunk - Users can supply their own classes for formatting output, this makes adding own formats easier. - New chunk option "include" controls if generated figures are included in code - New chunk option wrap will wrap code and results (defaults to True). - Removed `--minted` command line option, this is now available as "texminted" format. - New default format for minted code block. (Thanks to Thomas Unterthiner) - New features for latex figures * Label is set for figures using code chunks label as fig:label. (Thanks to Matthew McDonald) * You can specify postion via f_pos chunk option. - Bug fixes: * Width setting for figures now works. **0.20.1** Released: 10th, October 2011 - Included tangling script and function: Ptangle and pweave.ptangle - Pweave and Ptangle are now .exe files in Windows and can (and must) be executed without the .py extension. - Bug fix: Pweave no longer adds extra line to the start of file -> pandoc title blocks work now. **0.20** Released: 8th, October 2011 - This is a major release and Pweave is completely restructured - Pweave is now a library and can be run from the interpreter, this has multiple advantages * several documents can share same namespace. * you can work interactively after running pweave * Function pweave.pweave exposes most options, pweave.Pweb class makes it possible to customasize the execution and formatting with direct access to parsed and executed code before formatting and writing. - You can now embed code in doc chunks using ERB syntax - Documentation mode caches all results from code chunks so you don't need to rerun it when working with doc chunks. - New format, Pandoc markdown - New option: use minted with Latex - Easy to specify new formats using custom dictionary - Hidden option for results - Support for capturing `Sho `_ plots for Ironpython users. - Bug fixes. * chunk start and end detection improved, decorators are working now. * term mode now executes chunks with term = False if execution fails. **0.13** Released: 3rd, February 2011 - Improved term mode, you can now use for loops etc. indented blocks in term mode (Contributed by Tamas Nepusz). - Code runs in its own environment instead of global environment (Contributed by Tamas Nepusz). **0.12** Released: 4th, May 2010 - Added terminal mode for output - Figure options: add image caption, making it a figure - Small bug fixes to capturing output - Documentation: added howto for using `Pweave with Emacs `_ and more complete example **0.11** Released: 22th, March 2010 - Command line option for choosing figure format - Figure options: control image width - Bug fixes for adding images - Pweave now extracts code from the source document **0.10** Released: 12th, March 2010 - Initial release