Code Chunk Options¶
Pweave currently has the following options for processing the code chunks.
name, label
¶ If the first option of chunk is unnamed it will become the chunk name, you can also set the chunk name using the name or label (for Sweave compatibility) keys. All of these definitions are equal
<<analysis, Fig = True>>=
,<<Fig = True, name = 'analysis'>>=
,<<Fig = True, label = 'analysis'>>=
. Chunk names are used for figure names, but expanding named chunks in the Pweave todo list.
New in version 0.2.
echo = True or (False)
¶ Echo the python code in the output document. If False the source code will be hidden.
evaluate = True or (False).
¶ Evaluate the code chunk. If False the chunk won’t be executed.
results = 'verbatim'
¶ The output format of the printed results. ‘verbatim’ for literal block, ‘hidden’ for hidden results or anything other string for raw output (I tend to use ‘tex’ for Latex and ‘rst’ for rest. Raw output is useful if you wan’t to e.g. create tables from code chunks.
New in version 0.12.
term = False or (True)
¶ If True the output emulates a terminal session. The code will be executed one statement at a time and the output for each statement will be displayed.
include = True or (False)
¶ If include is True generated figures are automatically included in the document otherwise figures are generated, but not included. This is useful if you want more control over figure formatting e.g. use subfigures in Latex.
New in version 0.21.
fig = True or (False)
¶ Whether a matplotlib plot produced by the code chunk should be included in the file. The figure will be added with ‘.. image::’ directive in .rst and \includegraphics tag in .tex documents. See the ‘caption’ option if you want to use figure environment. As of version 0.21 Pweave supports multiple figures per code chunk.
caption = ''
¶ A string providing a caption for the figure produced in the code chunk. Can only be used with ‘fig = True’ option.
¶ The width of the created figure in the document (using format specific markup e.g. “12cm”, “600px”, “linewidth”). The default width depends on the output format.
f_size = (8,6)
¶ Saved matplotlib figure size in inches a tuple (w, h).
New in version 0.22.
f_spines = True
¶ Removes spines from matplotlib figures right and top if False.
New in version 0.22.
¶ Add environment that goes around figures in LaTex output e.g. sidefigure
New in version 0.22.
f_pos = "htpb"
¶ Sets the figure position for latex figures.
New in version 0.21.
wrap = True or (False,"code", "results")
¶ Controls wrapping of long lines. If True both code and output are wrapped to 75 characters. You can also specify “code” or “results” options to wrap only input or output.
New in version 0.21.
complete = True
¶ Used to include code spanning multiple chunks before it get executed. Useful for e.g. documenting class definitions. Use complete = False all but the last chunk and set the last one as complete = True. Pweave executes all of the chunks together and includes the results after the last one. See: Splitting code to multiple chunks example.
New in version 0.22.
¶ Read chunk contents from file or python module or file. e.g. source = “”.
New in version 0.22.