Changing defaults

Default chunk options are stored in pweave.rcParams[“chunk”][“defaultoptions”] dictionary. You can manipulate the dictionary to change the options.

Have a look at current defaults:

import pweave
import pprint
{'defaultoptions': {'caption': False,
                    'complete': True,
                    'display_data': True,
                    'display_stream': True,
                    'dpi': 200,
                    'echo': True,
                    'evaluate': True,
                    'f_env': None,
                    'f_pos': 'htpb',
                    'f_size': (6, 4),
                    'f_spines': True,
                    'fig': True,
                    'include': True,
                    'name': None,
                    'option_string': '',
                    'results': 'verbatim',
                    'term': False,
                    'wrap': 'output'}}

Change wrapping off and default figure position to “h!”

pweave.rcParams["chunk"]["defaultoptions"].update({'wrap' : False, 'f_pos' : "h!"})
#Updated options
{'defaultoptions': {'caption': False,
                    'complete': True,
                    'display_data': True,
                    'display_stream': True,
                    'dpi': 200,
                    'echo': True,
                    'evaluate': True,
                    'f_env': None,
                    'f_pos': 'h!',
                    'f_size': (6, 4),
                    'f_spines': True,
                    'fig': True,
                    'include': True,
                    'name': None,
                    'option_string': '',
                    'results': 'verbatim',
                    'term': False,
                    'wrap': False}}